Hi, my name is Hoa Nguyen and I’m mom of 2 cute boys and wife to an awesome super nerdy husband. Before moving to the US and becoming a mom, I was a Vietnamese language teacher. I taught conversational Vietnamese to foreigners living in Vietnam.

I created this blog to share our journey of raising bilingual children in an English speaking country, from the perspective of a mom and language teacher.

10 random things about me:

  1. I was born and raised in Hanoi and so I speak Northern Vietnamese
  2. My husband’s family is from the South (Vung Tau) and speak a mixed accent
  3. I gave birth to both of my boys at home
  4. I’m not a morning person, but I’m trying to be
  5. My favorite thing to do these days is taking the kids out for fun activities
  6. Soups are my soul food. Among these are Pho, Ramen and Clam chowder.
  7. My favorite TV show is The Chosen
  8. When I’m free from the kids I love spending time with my friends, one on one
  9. One shot espresso + one shot heavy cream + one big cube of ice = my favorite cup of coffee
  10. Japanese curry is the best type of curry

Welcome, and thank you for visiting my little corner of the internet. I hope you find some inspiration or something helpful here.